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Using Testkube with Private Registries

This guide shows how to deploy and use Testkube with images from private registries.

To start with, we need to update values.yaml file, populating registry and pullSecret parameters with a value of your private registry and a k8s secret respectively. (Please note that the k8s secret should be created prior to Testkube installation.) The easiest solution would be to update global parameters, which will set a new value for all Testkube components, including MongoDB images:

imageRegistry: ""
imagePullSecrets: []
labels: {}
annotations: {}

However, NATS chart that is part of Testkube belongs to a third party and as of now it requires passing image registry and image pull secret parameters separately. The snippet from the values.yaml file for NATS chart:

registry: registry-name

Please mind that global parameters override all local values, so if it is required to set different registries or secret names, please use registry and pullSecret parameter for each Testkube service. For example testkube-api:

registry: your-registry-name
repository: kubeshop/testkube-api-server
tag: "latest"
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- your-secret-name

Once the values.yaml is ready we may deploy Testkube to the k8s cluster:

helm repo add kubeshop
helm install --create-namespace testkube kubeshop/testkube --namespace testkube --values ./path-to-values.yaml