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API Token Management

Sometimes you need machine-to-machine authorization to run tests in CI pipelines or call particular actions from your services. Testkube offers API Tokens to resolve this issue. API Tokens have very similar roles like members.

API Tokens are created under the Organization Settings API Tokens tab

Each token has a role and an expiration date

  • Role specifies the scope (see below)
  • Expiration date can be set fora given time period or as "No expiration" (not recommended for production environments).

If token is not needed anymore you can delete it from the tokens list.


Check out Connecting from the CLI to learn how to use an API token with the CLI.

API Token Roles

API Tokens can have 2 roles:

"admin" Tokens

Admin tokens have access to all Environments in the organization.

Admin Role

"member" Tokens

Member tokens have limited access to environments and environment actions - see below.

Member Role

For the member organization role, you should choose which environments you want to add to the created API Token, and which permission the token should have in each chosen environment.

The following permissions are available:

  • Read - Read only, you can only call get and list endpoints which do not mutate data in any way.
  • Run - Access to Read and Run but no changes to the environment.
  • Write - You can change environments and run tests.

Environment Role