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Testkube Agent with local Kubernetes

The Testkube Agent uses Kubernetes as its runtime environment, which requires you to have access to a Kubernetes cluster either running locally on your machine or remotely in some cloud provider like AWS, Google, Azure, etc.

If you don't have access to a Kubernetes cluster for installing the Testkube Agent you can either install a lightweight Kubernetes distribution under Docker, or use the Testkube Docker Agent.

Installing a Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution

There are a number of lightweight Kubernetes distributions that you can install under Docker, all of them require Docker to be installed, so make sure that is up and running before moving on (download Docker Desktop from

Recommended Kubernetes distributions for local Testkube evaluation are:


A detailed tutorial on how to run Testkube with kind is available at Testing in KinD: Using Testkube with Kubernetes in Docker

Installing kind under MacOS or Windows

kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”. Read all about how to quickly get started with kind at

Installation of kind is straight-forward, instructions for MacOS and Windows are shown below.

First install kind using brew:

brew install kind

Then create a default cluster where you will install the Testkube Agent:

kind create cluster

That's it! Now you can go to the Testkube Quickstart and pick up from there!

Using the Kubernetes Distribution Included with Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop comes with a built-in version of Kubernetes - Read More. If you enable this feature you will have a local Kubernetes cluster available and should be all set - go to the Testkube Quickstart and pick up from there!