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Test Workflows – Expressions

Our Test Workflows system uses a simple, yet powerful, expressions language to dynamically evaluate and transform values at runtime. This language is built on JSON and supports basic arithmetic, logical operations, and many useful built-in functions, enabling you to customize your workflows flexibly.


  • JSON-Native:
    Since the language is based on JSON, every valid JSON value is also a valid expression. For example, [ "a", "b", "c" ] is a valid expression.

  • Mathematical Operations:
    You can perform arithmetic calculations directly within expressions. For instance, you can multiply a configuration parameter by a number like so:

    config.workers * 5
  • Dynamic Evaluation:
    Expressions are used to evaluate conditions, dynamically set image tags, generate scripts, and more. They allow you to manipulate values on the fly during workflow execution.


Defining a Condition

You can define conditions using logical and arithmetic operators. For example, this condition checks if there is more than one worker or if a force flag is set:

condition: "config.workers > 1 || config.force"

Dynamic Image Tag

By embedding expressions within double curly brackets {{ }}, you can dynamically generate values. In the example below, the container image tag is determined by the configuration parameter version:

image: "{{ config.version }}"

Configurable K6 Script

Expressions can also be used to build dynamic content files. For example, you can create a K6 script that uses JSON-parsed thresholds and additional script content from your configuration:

- path: /k6-script.js
content: |
export const options = {
thresholds: {{ json(config.thresholds) }}
{{ config.script }}


The expressions language supports a variety of operators. They follow standard mathematical rules for precedence.

Arithmetic Operators

  • Addition (+) and Subtraction (-):
    Perform addition or subtraction on numbers. They also allow string concatenation.


    • 1 + 2 * 3 evaluates to 7
    • (1 + 2) * 3 evaluates to 9
    • "foo" + "bar" evaluates to "foobar"
  • Multiplication (*), Division (/), and Modulo (%):
    Multiply, divide, or find the remainder between numbers.


    • 4 * 2 evaluates to 8
    • 10 / 4 evaluates to 2.5
    • 5 % 3 evaluates to 2
  • **Exponentiation (**):**
    Raise a number to the power of another.


    • 2 ** 5 evaluates to 32
  • Parentheses (( and )):
    Group expressions to control the order of evaluation.


    • (2 + 3) * 5 evaluates to 20

Comparison and Logical Operators

Operator Returns Description Example
== or = bool Checks equality 3 == 5 is false
!= or <> bool Checks inequality 3 != 5 is true
> bool Greater than 3 > 5 is false
< bool Less than 3 < 5 is true
>= bool Greater than or equal to 3 >= 5 is false
<= bool Less than or equal to 3 <= 5 is true
&& bool Logical AND (returns the last truthy or first falsy value) true && false is false
|| bool Logical OR (returns the first truthy or last value) 0 || 5 is 5
! bool Logical NOT !0 is true
? : any Ternary operator (if/else) true ? 5 : 3 is 5

Access Operators

These operators allow you to access elements within data structures:

  • .: Access a property or element
    Example: {"id": 10}.id returns 10

  • .*.: Wildcard mapping
    Example: [{"id": 5}, {"id": 3}].*.id returns [5, 3]

  • ...: Spread arguments
    Example: shellquote(["foo", "bar baz"]...) is equivalent to shellquote("foo", "bar baz")

Built-in Variables

The expressions language provides several built-in variables. Some of these are resolved before execution (and can be used in Pod settings), while others are available only dynamically within the container.

General Variables

Name Resolved Immediately Description
always Alias for true
never Alias for false
config (e.g., User-provided configuration values ID of the current TestWorkflow execution Name of the current TestWorkflow execution
execution.number Sequence number of the execution
execution.scheduledAt Scheduled execution date/time Unique ID for parallel steps or services
resource.root Resource ID of the parent resource
namespace Namespace where the execution runs Name of the executed TestWorkflow Organization ID (when using Control Plane) Environment ID (when using Control Plane)
dashboard.url URL of the environment’s Dashboard
labels (e.g., labels.some_label_key) Labels assigned to the TestWorkflow (special characters are normalized)
env (e.g., env.SOME_VARIABLE) Environment variable values (resolved at runtime)
failed Indicates if the execution has already failed
passed Indicates if the execution has not yet failed
services (e.g., services.db.0.ip) IP addresses of initialized services

Contextual Variables

Additional variables are available in specific contexts:

Retry Conditions

When defining a custom retry condition, you can use self.passed and self.failed to determine the step status:

- shell: exit 0
# Retry until the step has failed, for up to 5 executions
count: 5
until: "self.failed"

Matrix and Shard

When running steps in parallel (via services, parallel, or execute steps), you can access:

  • matrix.<name> and shard.<name> for custom parameters
  • index and count for each copy
  • matrixIndex, matrixCount, shardIndex, and shardCount for detailed indexing

Example using matrix values:

# Deploy two workers with index information
count: 2
description: "Instance {{ index + 1 }} of {{ count }}" # "Instance 1 of 2" and "Instance 2 of 2"
image: mongo:latest
# Deploy two servers with different Node.js versions
node: [20, 21]
description: "Node v{{ matrix.node }}" # "Node v20" and "Node v21"
image: "node:{{ matrix.node }}"

Built-in Functions

The expressions language includes many functions that help manipulate and cast values.

Casting Functions

Function Returns Description Example
string string Casts a value to a string string(5) returns "5"
list list Creates a list from provided values list(10, 20) returns [10, 20]
int int Converts a value to an integer int(10.5) returns 10
bool bool Converts a value to a boolean bool("") returns false
float float Converts a value to a floating-point number float("300.50") returns 300.5
eval any Evaluates an expression eval("4 * 5") returns 20

General Functions

Function Returns Description Example
join string Joins list elements into a single string join(["a", "b"]) returns "a,b"; join(["a", "b"], " - ") returns "a - b"
split list Splits a string into a list based on a delimiter split("a,b,c") returns ["a", "b", "c"]
trim string Removes whitespace from both ends of a string trim(" \nabc d ") returns "abc d"
len int Returns the length of an array, map, or string len(["a", "b"]) returns 2
floor int Rounds a number down to the nearest integer floor(10.5) returns 10
ceil int Rounds a number up to the nearest integer ceil(10.5) returns 11
round int Rounds a number to the nearest integer round(10.5) returns 11
at any Retrieves an element from a list or map by index/key at([10, 2], 1) returns 2; at({"foo": "bar"}, "foo") returns "bar"
tojson string Serializes a value to JSON format tojson({ "foo": "bar" }) returns "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"
json any Parses a JSON string into an object json("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}") returns { "foo": "bar" }
toyaml string Serializes a value to YAML format toyaml({ "foo": "bar" }) returns a YAML string
yaml any Parses a YAML string into an object yaml("foo: bar") returns { "foo": "bar" }
shellquote string Sanitizes and quotes arguments for safe shell usage shellquote("foo bar") returns "\"foo bar\""
shellparse list Parses a shell command string into an array of arguments shellparse("foo bar") returns ["foo", "bar"]
map list or map Applies an expression to each element in a list or map map([1,2,3,4,5], "_.value * 2") returns [2,4,6,8,10]
filter list Filters a list using an expression predicate filter([1,2,3,4,5], "_.value > 2") returns [3,4,5]
jq any Executes a jq expression on a value jq([1,2,3,4,5], ". | max") returns 5
range list Generates a range of numbers range(5, 10) returns [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; range(5) returns [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
relpath string Computes a relative file path relpath("/a/b/c") might return ./b/c
abspath string Computes an absolute file path abspath("b/c") might return /some/working/dir/b/c
chunk list Splits a list into chunks of a specified maximum size chunk([1,2,3,4,5], 2) returns [[1,2], [3,4], [5]]
date string Returns the current date in a specified format date() might return "2024-06-04T11:59:32.308Z"; date("2006-01-02") might return "2024-06-04"
secret string Creates a reference to a secret as an environment variable secret("name", "key") returns a reference like "env.S_N_name_K_key"

File System Functions

Function Returns Description Example
file string Returns the contents of a file file("/etc/some/path") might return "some\ncontent"
glob list Finds files matching a pattern glob("/etc/**/*", "./x/**/*.js") might return ["/etc/some/file", "/etc/other/file", "/some/working/dir/x/file.js"]

Example using file and glob functions:

condition: 'len(glob("/data/repo/**/*.spec.js")) > 0'

Another example combining file reading and command generation:

- shell: " > /data/api-key"
- execute:
- name: example
entries: '{{ tojson(split(file("/data/list*"), "\n")) }}'
script: '{{ file("/data/api-key") }}'

You can also use functions like shellquote to safely pass arguments to shell commands:

shell: |
/bin {{ shellquote("--", config.args ...) }}

By leveraging the Test Workflows expressions language, you can build dynamic, configurable workflows that perform complex evaluations and manipulations at runtime. For additional details on operators, built-in functions, and contextual variables, please refer back to this document whenever needed.