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Testkube allows running Gradle based tasks that could also be tests. For example, we can easily run JUnit tests in Testkube.

  • Default command for this executor: gradle
  • Default arguments for this executor command: --no-daemon <taskName> -p <projectDir>

Parameters in <> are calculated at test execution:

  • <taskName> - Will be test in case of tests of type gradle/test, integrationTest gradle/integrationTest on gradle/integrationTest, and empty for gradle/project.
  • <projectDir> - Will contain the path to the cloned Git directory.

See more at "Redefining the Prebuilt Executor Command and Arguments" on the Creating Test page.

Test Environment

We will put a simple JUnit test in our cluster and run it. The Testkube Gradle Executor handles gradle and gradlew binaries. Since Gradle projects are quite complicated in terms of directory structure, we'll need to load them from the Git directory.

You can find example projects in the repository here.

Let's create a simple test which will check if an env variable is set to true:

package hello.gradle;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

class LibraryTest {
@Test void someLibraryMethodReturnsTrue() {
String env = System.getenv("TESTKUBE_GRADLE");
assertTrue(Boolean.parseBoolean(env), "TESTKUBE_GRADLE env should be true");

The default Gradle executor looks like:

kind: Executor
name: gradle-jdk18-executor
namespace: testkube
image: kubeshop/testkube-gradle-executor:0.1.4-jdk18
- gradle/project
- gradle/test
- gradle/integrationTest

As we can see, there are several types. The Gradle executor handles the second part after / as a task name, so gradle/test will run gradle test and so on.

As opposed to project which is generic and forces you to pass additional arguments during test execution.

For example:

kubectl testkube run gradle-example-project --args='runMyCustomTask' 

Create a New Gradle-based Test

kubectl testkube create test --git-uri --git-path examples/hello-gradle --type gradle/test --name gradle-example-test --git-branch main

Running a Test

Let's pass the env variable to our test run:

 kubectl testkube run test gradle-example-test -f -v TESTKUBE_GRADLE=true

# ...... after some time

The test execution completed successfully in 16.555s 🥇.

Watch the test execution until complete:
$ kubectl testkube watch execution 62d148db0260f256c1a1e993

Use the following command to get test execution details:
$ kubectl testkube get execution 62d148db0260f256c1a1e993

Getting Test Results

Now we can watch/get test execution details:

kubectl testkube get execution 62d148db0260f256c1a1e993


# ....... a lot of Gradle logs

> Task :compileTestJava
> Task :processTestResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :testClasses
> Task :test

2 actionable tasks: 2 executed

Status Test execution completed with success 🥇

Using Different Commands and Arguments

Updating the commands and arguments is possible on both test and execution level.

As an example, during a debug session, you could pass pwd in as the command in order to find out the current path:

kubectl testkube run test gradle-example-test --command "pwd" --args-mode "override" --args "-L"

If you check the execution logs, you will see that the path "/data/repo" is printed out. No Gradle command will be executed in this case, but you will notice that the rest of the preparations, like cloning the repo, have been done.

Using Different JDKs

In the Java world, you would like to have control over the Runtime environment. Testkube can easily handle that for you! We're building several Java images to handle constraints which Gradle can put in its build file.

To use a different executor, you can use one of our pre-built ones (for Java 8,11,17,18) or build your own Docker image based on the Gradle executor.

Let's assume we need JDK18 for our test runs. In Testkube, create a new Gradle executor:

content of gradle-jdk18-executor.yaml

kind: Executor
name: gradle-jdk18-executor
namespace: testkube
image: kubeshop/testkube-gradle-executor:0.1.4-jdk18
- gradle:jdk18/project
- gradle:jdk18/test
- gradle:jdk18/integrationTest

And add it to your cluster:

kubectl apply -f gradle-jdk18-executor.yaml 

Now, create the new test with the type that our new executor can handle e.g.: gradle:jdk18/test:

 # create test:
kubectl testkube create test --git-uri --git-path examples/hello-gradle-jdk18 --type gradle:jdk18/test --name gradle-jdk18-example-test --git-branch main

# and run it:
kubectl testkube run test gradle-jdk18-example-test -f -v TESTKUBE_GRADLE=true


Testkube simplifies running Java/Kotlin based tests (build.gradle.kts is also handled) and allows merging Java based tests into your global testing ecosystem easily.