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SoapUI is an open-source tool used for the end-to-end testing of REST, SOAP and GraphQL APIs, as well as JMS, JDBC and other web services. Testkube supports the SoapUI executor implementation.

  • Default command for this executor: /bin/sh /usr/local/SmartBear/
  • Default arguments for this executor command: <runPath>

Parameters in <> are calculated at test execution:

  • <runPath> - path to the test files

See more at "Redefining the Prebuilt Executor Command and Arguments" on the Creating Test page.

Check out our blog post to follow tutorial steps to Learn how to run functional tests in Kubernetes with SoapUI and Testkube.

Testkube supports the SoapUI executor implementation.

Running a SoapUI Test

In order to run a SoapUI test using Testkube, begin by creating a Testkube Test.

An example of an exported SoapUI test looks the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<con:soapui-project xmlns:con="" id="68931eeb-521d-4870-972f-9d0f99c75cc2" activeEnvironment="Default" name="Testkube project" resourceRoot="${projectDir}" soapui-version="5.7.0" abortOnError="false" runType="SEQUENTIAL">
<con:setting id="com.smartbear.swagger.ExportSwaggerAction$FormBase Path" />
<con:setting id="com.smartbear.swagger.ExportSwaggerAction$FormTarget File" />
<con:setting id="com.smartbear.swagger.ExportSwaggerAction$FormFormat">json</con:setting>
<con:setting id="com.smartbear.swagger.ExportSwaggerAction$FormAPI Version">Swagger 2.0</con:setting>
<con:setting id="com.smartbear.swagger.ExportSwaggerAction$FormSwagger Version">Swagger 2.0</con:setting>
<con:interface xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="con:RestService" id="4bcedf3f-ac64-4f45-9615-7d58b15b9ca1" wadlVersion="" name="" type="rest">
<con:settings />
<con:definitionCache type="TEXT" rootPart="" />
<con:resource name="" path="" id="538412a5-540d-4772-aca8-2b19e456af77">
<con:settings />
<con:parameters />
<con:method name="1" id="fa5cf353-bafd-4aa1-9fa6-301d0d5c6e95" method="GET">
<con:settings />
<con:parameters />
<con:representation type="RESPONSE">
<con:params />
<con:representation type="RESPONSE">
<con:params />
<con:element xmlns:pet="">pet:Response</con:element>
<con:representation type="RESPONSE">
<con:mediaType>text/html; charset=utf-8</con:mediaType>
<con:params />
<con:request name="Request 1" id="e5ee1b97-e7a5-4fd0-9ecd-6671558f25bc" mediaType="application/json">
<con:setting id="com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlRequest@request-headers">&lt;xml-fragment/&gt;</con:setting>
<con:request />
<con:authType>No Authorization</con:authType>
<con:jmsConfig JMSDeliveryMode="PERSISTENT" />
<con:jmsPropertyConfig />
<con:parameters />
<con:testSuite id="d01755ab-653a-42e9-82ef-97ffea557480" name="Testkube TestSuite">
<con:settings />
<con:testCase id="8803628b-cc8d-4aaa-bbba-e1bc878f202b" failOnError="true" failTestCaseOnErrors="true" keepSession="false" maxResults="0" name="Kubeshop TestCase" searchProperties="true">
<con:settings />
<con:testStep type="restrequest" name="1 - Request 1" id="00e86b82-8ef2-483f-837b-7669bebe3c87">
<con:settings />
<con:config xmlns:xsi="" service="" resourcePath="" methodName="1" xsi:type="con:RestRequestStep">
<con:restRequest name="1 - Request 1" id="e5ee1b97-e7a5-4fd0-9ecd-6671558f25bc" mediaType="application/json">
<con:setting id="com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlRequest@request-headers">&lt;xml-fragment/&gt;</con:setting>
<con:request />
<con:assertion type="Valid HTTP Status Codes" id="c88e07cf-dd80-4b11-b21d-7cad8474202b" name="Valid HTTP Status Codes">
<con:assertion type="Simple Contains" id="7072dc46-6b93-43b4-b6bd-0464db7b249e" name="Contains">
<con:authType>No Authorization</con:authType>
<con:jmsConfig JMSDeliveryMode="PERSISTENT" />
<con:jmsPropertyConfig />
<con:parameters />
<con:properties />
<con:testCase id="4c0fc01b-16db-41e9-9844-d4c2a88d27f2" failOnError="true" failTestCaseOnErrors="true" keepSession="false" maxResults="0" name="Testkube TestCase" searchProperties="true">
<con:settings />
<con:testStep type="restrequest" name="REST Request" id="e1be7e01-5d4d-424e-b2f9-7daf84aaafa9">
<con:settings />
<con:config xmlns:xsi="" service="" methodName="1" resourcePath="" xsi:type="con:RestRequestStep">
<con:restRequest name="REST Request" id="191f16b4-cb04-4ffa-b8f9-da0e788c8262" mediaType="application/json">
<con:setting id="com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlRequest@request-headers">&lt;xml-fragment/&gt;</con:setting>
<con:request />
<con:assertion type="Simple Contains" id="d9497693-01e2-4e3e-8ce5-5a292f9b6e41" name="Contains">
<con:authType>No Authorization</con:authType>
<con:jmsConfig JMSDeliveryMode="PERSISTENT" />
<con:jmsPropertyConfig />
<con:parameters />
<con:properties />
<con:properties />
<con:properties />
<con:wssContainer />
<con:oAuth2ProfileContainer />
<con:oAuth1ProfileContainer />
<con:sensitiveInformation />

Using Files as Input

Testkube and the SoapUI executor accept a project file as input.

$ kubectl testkube create test --file example-project.xml --type soapui/xml --name example-test
Test created / example-test 🥇

Using Strings as Input

$ cat example-project.xml | kubectl testkube create test --type soapui/xml --name example-test-string
Test created / example-test-string 🥇

Running the Tests

To run the created test, use:

$ kubectl testkube run test example-test

Type : soapui/xml
Name : example-test
Execution ID : 624eedd443ed8485ae9289e2
Execution name: illegally-credible-mouse

Test execution started

Watch test execution until complete:
$ kubectl testkube watch execution 624eedd443ed8485ae9289e2

Use following command to get test execution details:
$ kubectl testkube get execution 624eedd443ed8485ae9289e2

Using Parameters and Arguments in Your Tests

SoapUI lets you configure your test runs using different parameters. To see all available command line arguments, check the official SoapUI docs.

To use parameters when working with Testkube, use the kubectl testkube run command with the --args parameter.

An example would be:

$ kubectl testkube run test -f example-test --args '-I -c "Testkube TestCase"'

Type : soapui/xml
Name : successful-test
Execution ID : 625404e5a4cc6d2861193c60
Execution name: currently-amused-pug

Getting pod logs
Execution completed ================================
= SOAPUI_HOME = /usr/local/SmartBear/SoapUI-5.7.0
SoapUI 5.7.0 TestCase Runner
08:14:18,671 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] Creating new settings at [/root/soapui-settings.xml]
08:14:27,457 INFO [PluginManager] 0 plugins loaded in 11 ms
08:14:27,459 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] All plugins loaded
08:14:37,509 INFO [WsdlProject] Loaded project from [file:/tmp/test-content2412821894]
08:14:37,579 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Running SoapUI tests in project [Testkube project]
08:14:37,580 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Running TestCase [Testkube TestCase]
08:14:37,653 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Running SoapUI testcase [Testkube TestCase]
08:14:37,700 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] running step [REST Request]
08:14:41,816 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Assertion [Contains] has status VALID
08:14:41,878 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] Finished running SoapUI testcase [Testkube TestCase], time taken: 866ms, status: FINISHED
08:14:41,909 INFO [SoapUITestCaseRunner] TestCase [Testkube TestCase] finished with status [FINISHED] in 866ms

Use the following command to get test execution details:
$ kubectl testkube get execution 625404e5a4cc6d2861193c60

Reports, Plugins and Extensions

In order to use reports, add the plugins and extensions as described in the SoapUI docs. This is currently not supported by Testkube. If you are interested in using this feature, please create an issue in the Testkube repository.